phpGraphy is a free PHP photo gallery script released under GPL license. Since its beginning, it has been written with simplicity and efficiency in mind following the KISS philosophy.
It should fit many needs, thanks to its easy installation process and minimal requirements, it can be setup in less than 3 min to put a small photo gallery online. For users with thousands of pictures, don't worry as phpGraphy does use a real directory tree to store the pictures (as you probably already have on your hard-drive), you'll just have to upload your whole picture collection et voila, phpGraphy will generate the thumbnails and low-resolution pictures for you and even better, it can also auto-import IPTC description in the database (if already embeded in your pictures).
It integrates a bunch of nice features like comments, rating, EXIF/IPTC handling, go to the Features page for more details. If you want to see script in action, try the Online Demo. If you want to try-it now, go on the download page.
Development Status
Next release: 1.0.0 - Progress bar:
phpGraphy - Where are we ? - Tue, 21 Aug 2007 09:04:23 GMT
Last news is kind of old but we're still there ! Actually, we've been enjoying a real summer break but are decided to get back to work asap. Firstly we'll try to work on the fixes of bugs that have been reported since the last stable is out and then the big step forward, phpGraphy 1.0 ! 0.9.13a security fix release - Tue, 30 Jan 2007 00:16:03 GMT
While browsing using my favorite search engine, I came across an exploit for phpGraphy 0.9.12. After some investigation I came to the conclusion that this exploit uses was using a flaw in PHP itself not in phpGraphy, however the result is the same, people using phpGraphy along with unpatched PHP versions are vulnerable ! Please UPGRADE *asap* to the latest PHP and/or phpGraphy versions, this exploit is serious and might lead the attacker to gain control over your webserver. Access to the news archive