Appart from the normal image browsing, phpGraphy does have some special pages that are used along with the comments, rating, etc. Ideally a link to all of those features should be included in the default theme but I haven't been able to figure out yet, a proper way of doing so without deforming too much the actual simplicity of the interface, suggestions are welcome !
This page display the last commented pictures, you can access it with the default theme by clicking on the "last comments" link. This function use the current browsed directory to only include its content and the subdirectories in the result. If nothing is specified as argument, it consider the current directory as being root and such will include everything. The following configuration directives can affect the behaviour of this page
Using the .welcome or by modifying the templates, you can add a link to this special page by creating a link like the one below:
<a href="index.php?lastcommented=">Last commented pictures</a>
This page display the top rated pictures (also known as Top ratings), the following configuration directives can affect the behaviour of this page:
Using the .welcome or by modifying the templates, you can add a link to this special page by creating a link like the one below:
<a href="index.php?topratings=1">Top rated pictures</a>.
This page display the last added pictures, the whole content of pictures_dir will be parsed and the files with the most recent timestamp will get display. Unlike the next special page (Last added pictures per dir), if you have uploaded a bunch of files in the same directory, you will only see the pictures from this directory, if you want to only have one file listed per directory, use the "Last added pictures per directory" function. The following configuration directive can affect the behaviour of this page:
Using the .welcome or by modifying the templates, you can add a link to this special page by creating a link like the one below:
<a href="index.php?lastaddedpictures=1">Last added pictures</a>.
This page display the last added pictures per directory, in others words, it will only display the most recents file of each directory. This is very useful if you are uploading pictures in the same directory but still want your users to be able to see the previous updates, it could be assimilated to a Last updated directories feature. The following configuration directive can affect the behaviour of this page:
Using the .welcome or by modifying the templates, you can add a link to this special page by creating a link like the one below:
<a href="index.php?lastaddedpicturesperdir=1">Last added pictures per directory</a>.